Friday, March 20, 2009

you cannot have what you cannot reach for.
I'm very tired.
more voices, less people.
I need rescued. I'm crying out and noone is listening.
I don't know how close is too I ready....

Friday, January 2, 2009


Here's how the Ritalin is treating me. I have better concentration, focus, less impulsiveness, less distractibility. All in all, so far so good.

I also had my lithium increased, which means at 900 mg a day I am pissing every 5 minutes, all through the night, and its that "I have to go NOW" feeling. This happened the last time my dosage was increased. What to do. I need the meds, I hate the side effects.

Its a beautiful Friday, for a beautiful new year, filled with all sorts of possibilities, and I'm seeing it for what its worth. Remarkable.