Friday, March 20, 2009

you cannot have what you cannot reach for.
I'm very tired.
more voices, less people.
I need rescued. I'm crying out and noone is listening.
I don't know how close is too I ready....

Friday, January 2, 2009


Here's how the Ritalin is treating me. I have better concentration, focus, less impulsiveness, less distractibility. All in all, so far so good.

I also had my lithium increased, which means at 900 mg a day I am pissing every 5 minutes, all through the night, and its that "I have to go NOW" feeling. This happened the last time my dosage was increased. What to do. I need the meds, I hate the side effects.

Its a beautiful Friday, for a beautiful new year, filled with all sorts of possibilities, and I'm seeing it for what its worth. Remarkable.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. ~Omar Bradley

Friday, December 26, 2008

Substance Abuse

You know things must be difficult when you are not a drinker, yet you polish off 5 vodka tonics and still have to stop for a 40 oz. As if you could completely drink away your woes - everyone knows one cannot.

There is a hole, yet it cannot be filled. The one ingredient that will fix the hole is unavailable, so you just have to learn to live with the hole, be wary of it, tread carefully around it, always respect its presence. Its intimidating, this hole. Everytime you go out you are aware of this hole. Normal daily tasks are completed around this hole. This hole is a big hole, and it takes only one thing to fill it, and you ain't got it.

Emotions are attached to this hole. There is a history with it. It goes down and back deeper than anyone else could understand. It's rich with memory and cannot go unnoticed.

The alcohol doesn't drown it. The pot doesn't fade it. The pills don't conquer. The only that the hole can be filled with is love.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So yeah, Christmas is here. Everyone jump up and down. Or do whatever you do.

Its just another cold day. Facts show Jesus wasn't even born in December. Why are we celebrating the 25th then?

After New Years I will be distributing copies of American Zeitgeist to all my friends. You have been warned!

Thats it. Just a post to update the blog. Not happy here, not happy anywhere.

He is still out of my reach.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

There's something infectious in the snow. Knowing I can look up in the sky and those same snowflakes are falling on you too. Its a vibe for sure, maybe our chakra's are meeting or somewhere on some universal level we are connected. Somehow I reach you, and you reach me back. Sometimes, it feels as if you really are so close I could reach out and stroke your face.

My injustice of a girlfriend has led up to this, and I am facing it in the face.

Train Wreck

Your love in all it's finery
Tear up the darkness all around me
Until I can breathe again
Until I believe again
Cause I'm a train wreck
Waiting to happen
Waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks

A wild fire born of frustration
Born of a world, oh, that gets me so high
I've no fear at all
But your eyes like midnight fireflies
Light up the trenches where my heart lies
Until I can see again
Find my way back again

Cause I'm a train wreck
Waiting to happen
Waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks
A wild fire born of frustration born of the one love that gets me so high
I've no fear at all
To fall so deep into you
Loose myself completely
In your sweet embrace
All my pain's erased

From your mouth, it's all that I wish
Mercy of your lips, just one kiss
Until I can breathe again
Until I can sing again
Cause I'm a train wreck
Waiting to happen
Waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks

A wild fire born of frustration born of the one love that gets me so high
I've no fear at all
To fall so deep into you
Loose myself completely
In your sweet embrace
All my pain's erased