Friday, December 26, 2008

Substance Abuse

You know things must be difficult when you are not a drinker, yet you polish off 5 vodka tonics and still have to stop for a 40 oz. As if you could completely drink away your woes - everyone knows one cannot.

There is a hole, yet it cannot be filled. The one ingredient that will fix the hole is unavailable, so you just have to learn to live with the hole, be wary of it, tread carefully around it, always respect its presence. Its intimidating, this hole. Everytime you go out you are aware of this hole. Normal daily tasks are completed around this hole. This hole is a big hole, and it takes only one thing to fill it, and you ain't got it.

Emotions are attached to this hole. There is a history with it. It goes down and back deeper than anyone else could understand. It's rich with memory and cannot go unnoticed.

The alcohol doesn't drown it. The pot doesn't fade it. The pills don't conquer. The only that the hole can be filled with is love.

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