Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day

Welcome to World AIDS Day folks. It truly is a shame we have to take a day out for AIDS awareness. That means its spreading faster than Britney Spears' legs. If you're not fucking someone you trust, put on a condom or don't fuck them!

"Some progress is being made, but still only 1.6 million people have access to treatment—and we’re nowhere near on track to reach the 10 million we will need to put on treatment by 2010."


10 million? My God people. For the sake of blowing your load, THINK before you fuck. You have to wonder how many of these people come from uneducated countries vs. the good old North America. See, here in the states we are aware that AIDS is rampant and condoms are free for access for anyone who wants them. And yet we are still transmitting AIDS! Leads me to believe its nothing short of ignorance in this case. Countries in South Africa I understand may be less educated, however, who does not know about AIDS? Everyone has heard about it, right? Are we just ignorant? Intolerant? Seriously. This is a plague, an epidemic. We have got to get control of it before it wholly controls us. Pretty soon the odds will show the number of lives NOT afflicted with AIDS.

I'm just asking that you talk to one person about it. Even if its just to mention that today is World AIDS Day, I'm just asking that the word comes up. Education is prevention, so talk to someone. Anyone. Reminding someone about AIDS might save one life. You don't have anything to lose.

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