Monday, December 15, 2008

Decriminalization of Marijuana

If we lived in California, posession of 28g or less is a misdemeanor. No time.
In Alaska, having 1oz or less in your home is no penalty, no crime, no time.
In Minnesota, having less than 42g is a misdemeanor, with no time, small fine.
In Iowa, it is a misdemeanor to be caught with anything, up to 6 months, and a hefty $1000 fine. Where do you want to live when you grow up?
Marijuana Causes Crime. Marijuana users commit more property offenses than nonusers. Under the influence of marijuana, people become irrational, aggressive, and violent.
Every serious scholar and government commission examining the relationship between marijuana use and crime has reached the same conclusion: marijuana does not cause crime. The vast majority of marijuana users do not commit crimes other than the crime of possessing marijuana. Among marijuana users who do commit crimes, marijuana plays no causal role. Almost all human and animal studies show that marijuana decreases rather than increases aggression.

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