Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Day, Reductio ad Absurdum

And yet another doctors appointment. This one, checking in with the family medical doctor, yields assistance in getting touch with my psychologist, who's nurse, has been to busy to return my call for 3 days now. Since I started the Abilify, I have had endless panic attacks. Three days ago, I contacted my psychologist's office to speak to the nurse, to advise her of the happenings. I ended up leaving a message, frustrating. Second day, no call back, another voicemail. Frustrated and pissed off. Third day, voicemail and now I have spoken with my medical doctor, and she too has called and left a message. We'll see if there's power in the title. Maybe, maybe not.

I have since quit the Abilify. Under noone's orders but my own. I'm tired of suffering unnecessary panic attacks, and beyond that having nothing to stop them when I do have them. I have discontinued my Abilify, which will more than likely piss someone off, but oh how I do not care. I am at ease without it.

Monday is bloodwork for lithium and thyroid levels again. And the hunt continues.

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