Monday, November 24, 2008

Medical Community Provided Condoms by our Government

The society we live in believes that to throw us pills will cure us. There are several problems with this. The first being, that is a temporary fix for a permanent problem. The second problem lies in the cost of such treatments. For those of us who have the free resources, those are instantly compromised at the sight of income by the state. The third and most prominent problem with this theory is the diagnosis, double diagnosis, different or wrong diagnosis, making it then next to impossible to retrieve the correct medication for our true sypmtons. Yes, its as if the government has said yes, we'll be happy to help the uninsured, mentally handicapped individuals like yourself. Let us go make the phone call to let the medical community know they are going to need more condoms for all the fucking your ass they're about to do.

See what I'm saying? It never ends.

Welcome to my blog. Its not my first, it won't be my last. At one point in my life I was on so much Xanax that I had over 200 journals in 4 years filled with creative outlets and expressions of happier things, and then - whoosh.

Gone. Out like a light. They took them away. And once again I was headed down the dark hallway.

Welcome to your life. Chances are you're living this nightmare with me.

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