Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ubiquitously Still

Since I'm in a generally randy mood this morning, I'm gonna throw down some of my recent catastrophic successes. Everyone loves a little pissinesss in the am. I've got noone here to fuck and bake cinnamon rolls for, so this is what you all get instead.


"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced."

~Frank Zappa
Woody Allen said all he had tended to put his wife under a pedestal. Thats the kind of guy I want. I'm wanting without any succes destime. It is SO true that we always want what we cannot have. Think of this in terms monetarily, or relationship minded, or fame based. Never can get enough or precisely what we want. Then again, look at MC Hammer. He had it all, now he's just a punk. Stupid fucker.
Slept like a baby. Dreamed I was living in Ms. Lohans quarters (you should see her closet!) and that Sam Ronson was there ordering her around. Ms. Lohan had to go visit her shrink (probably due Ms. Ronson) so I tagged along, and ironically, it was Dr. Richardson, my psych! He was much sexier in the dream. Kind of like a mature Tim Robbins (Shawshank Redemption). I never did decipher what Ms. Lohan's malfunctions were and how they pertained to her visit that day, but I wonder if they have anything to do with her being a salacious-serial-slut.
I better get a shower. Two thanksgivings to attend today - ain't divorce grand. Though as I told my folks, you are both much better people alone. They agree with me. What does that tell you? Speaking of marriage - its colder than a 10 year marriage out there this morning.
I'll end with a favorite anonymous quote for y'all.
"I'll always cherish the original misconception I had of you."
Have a very enigmatical Turkey Day peeps!
Love y'all!
( s u b l i m i n a l m e s s a g e : e a t t o f u r k e y i n s t e a d t o d a y )

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