Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Wee Bit 'O' Useless Sexual Trivia

According to the Kinsey Institute, masturbation is more common among white-collar workers than blue-collar workers.

Women with a Ph.D. are twice as likely to be interested in a one-night stand than those with only a bachelor's degree.
On average, 20% of women who live with their boyfriends have another sex partner.

Forty percent of women have said they had an orgasm while dreaming about sex. That number
is 80% for men.

According to a Kinsey survey, 75% of men ejaculate within three minutes pf penetration.
The typical lovemaking session averages 15 minutes in length.

There are five calories in a teaspoon of semen.

A small flaccid penis generally has a greater percentage increase during erection than a larger flaccid penis.

Semen contains small amounts of more than thirty elements, including fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, lactic acid, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and various salts and enzymes.

Studies have proven that it's harder to tell a convincing lie to someone you find sexually attractive.

At age seventy, 73% of men are still potent.

The smallest erect penis on record was one centimeter long.

The initial spurt of ejaculate travels at 28 miles per hour. By way of comparison, the world record for the 100 yard dash is 27.1 miles per hour.
(yeah! so ladies, stop trying to outrun it and swallow already!)
The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties.
According to statistics, Australian women are the most likely to have sex on the first date. (sluts!)

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